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원불교 휴스턴교당의 홈페이지는 현재 베타 버젼으로, 계속 구축 중입니다.
- Cultivating Spirituality, Health, and Balance -
Won Buddhism of Houston is a non-profit organization that welcomes anyone interested in cultivating spirituality and humanity. Our temple provides a peaceful and restorative space to learn and practice Won Buddhism and meditation. We follow the vision of Sotaesan, the founder of Won Buddhism, to live the teaching of Buddha with simplicity and commitment in our highly modern and materialitic society.
Won buddhism embraces Buddha's teaching and makes them relevant to contemporary society. Our goal is to use Sotaesan's teachings and meditation practice for practical and useful purposes, allowing us to build a One World Community and realize the oneness of life based on the Buddhist View of interdependency and interconnectedness.
Through our meditation and teachings, we can :
Increase our awareness and understanding of ourselves and those around us to live peacefully with wisdom and compassion.
See the Buddha in all things and live in accordance with this insight.
Uncover who we truly are.
Our temple offers meditation, mind study, and Won Buddhism studies and welcomes everyone interested, whether you are a serious practitioner, or a simply curious visitor. We also operate a small gallery and free library for the public.
"Through our practical application of Buddhadharma,
we become useful people who can help individuals,
families, societies, and nations."
SOTAESAN (1891 - 1943)

11:00 AM ~ 12:00 PM (Appointment needed)
Moving Meditaion is a practice that improves the integration of body and mind through mindful concentration on harmonizing your breath with the movements.
This class includes Qi Gong or Tai Chi movements, walking meditation, and sitting meditation within an hour.
The fee is by donation, and to make an appointment, please email us at :

Sunday 11:00 AM ~ 12:00 PM (Appointment needed)
Experience how Won Buddhism and Meditation can enhance your life through our Sunday Dharma Service. It includes sitting, chanting meditation, and Dharma talk based on Won Buddhist teachings and practices. Please note that the service is available in Korean language only, and registration is required for newcomers.
Please email us in advance at :

Wednesday 2:00 PM ~ 5:00 PM (Appointment needed)
Our temple also operates a gallery and library featuring calligraphy exhibitions on Dharma Words by the Founding Master Sotaesan, Successive Head Dharma Masters, and the Present Head Dharma Masters.
To make an appointment, please email us at :
The Temple is operating a small free library for the public. It has a collection of books related to spiritual development, meditation, philosophy, Buddhism, and Won Buddhism, etc. The collection at the library was focused on understanding how to practice meditation and understanding the field of religious practice including Won Buddhism, spiritual inspiration and the meaning of life.